✌ large-scale Discount Voucher Code!!Enter a discount code to buy more offers!✍☚ All ready stock !! ☛=☜ High quality product ☝☟ Good packaging ✌We will arrange 24 hours shipping asap!Fast delivery (from China) 5 to 12 business days after shipment(except some special holidays). ♔ ♕ ♖ ☻Features:0.5mm micro waterwayPanel: AcrylicAcrylic Panel Thickness: Approx. 17mm / 0.7inMaterial: T2-copper + nickel platingBase: BlackSupport: For INTEL series CPUAccessories: 4 x M3 spring + screw (installation tool bag)G1/4 threadPackage List:1 x CPU Water Block1 x Installation Tool Bag (4 x M3 Spring + Screw)#CPUWaterBlock#CPUWaterCoolingSystem#CPUCoolerAccessory#ComputerParts#WaterCoolingBlock